Eagles Nest
Are you a Youth between the ages 16-24? Are you having issues getting or maintaining housing? If so, contact us today!
The Eagles Nest Youth Housing First Program is intended to support single youth and families ages 16-24 years old experiencing homelessness with barriers to housing stability that can be addressed by providing housing and connecting the person with existing community supports. It is short-term intervention designed to restore housing stability and assist individuals in doing so as independently as possible.
The goal of this initiative is to assist Indigenous Youth in securing safe, affordable, appropriate, and permanent housing. We strive to help and support Youth in obtaining independence, to help them plan to identify challenges and strengths, and to set goals to achieve success.
Eagles Nest provides intense support for those experiencing any of the following barriers and these have interfered with keeping stable housing:
- Addictions
- Incarceration/Legal issues
- Cultural
- Basic life skills/Budget
- Violence/Abuse
- Goals
- Lack of Education/Employment
- Family reunification
- Health concerns: emotional, mental and physical
- Children Services Involvement
- Lack of Education/Employment
Step 1: Call us at 780-481-3451
Step 2: Set up an appointment for pre-sreening to qualify for Youth Indigenous Housing First
Step 3: If you qualify, we will guide you through the process
Contact Eagles Nest